Dagmar is a marketing consultancy and the leading Finnish media agency, serving Finland's top advertisers and international clients alike, with about 130 dedicated professionals. Your needs are at the heart of our solutions: as your strategic partner, we add value and insight to the long-term development and planning of your marketing agenda across the board. As your tactical partner, we provide services in planning your broader media strategy, helping you to find the right solutions based on facts, experience and research. As your operational partner, we look after the practicalities of your media buying. You can draw on our global network of partners to meet your marketing requirements overseas. We have teamed up with several international media companies. In Finland, you can find our offices in Helsinki and Tampere. Dagmar is part of Salomaa Group, the largest group of marketing and consulting companies in the Nordic countries.
Marketing and Advertising
50 - 200
Tampere, Finland

Dagmar is a marketing consultancy and the leading Finnish media agency, serving Finland's top advertisers and international clients alike, with about 130 dedicated professionals.

Your needs are at the heart of our solutions: as your strategic partner, we add value and insight to the long-term development and planning of your marketing agenda across the board. As your tactical partner, we provide services in planning your broader media strategy, helping you to find the right solutions based on facts, experience and research. As your operational partner, we look after the practicalities of your media buying.

You can draw on our global network of partners to meet your marketing requirements overseas. We have teamed up with several international media companies.

In Finland, you can find our offices in Helsinki and Tampere.

Dagmar is part of Salomaa Group, the largest group of marketing and consulting companies in the Nordic countries.

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  • Suomi
  • Elinkeinoelämä
  • Markkinointi ja mainonta
  • Markkinointiviestintä
They are headquartered at Tampere, Finland, and have 14 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Dagmar works with Advertising technology companies such as The Trade Desk, Chango, Neustar AdAdvisor, DemDex, Resonate Insights, BlueKai, DoubleClick.Net, AppNexus, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, Atlas, Turn, Dstillery, Adform, Facebook Custom Audiences, cXense, Sanoma, BlueKai DMP, Consent Management Platform API v 2.0.